Wednesday, January 12, 2011

like like like :))

ini bermula dari guruku yg kasih kita-kita tugas buat ngeringkes film August Rush. yeeah finally i have a chace to watch this movie :D haha . iya sih film ini udah lama tapi keren gilaaak woey filmnya ckck
paling suka deh sama musiknya aaa kewl abisss \m/
oya aku mau nge-share nih ada cuplikan waktu si Evan ketemu sama Louis, ayahnya. tapi yg bikin nggerus mereka nggak sadar kalo mereka tu ayah dan anak u,u
oya kamu harus baca sinopsisnya dulu baru kamu bakal dong :)
aku kasih link sinopsisnya nih

"Listen, can you hear it?
The music, I can hear it every where
In the wind, in the air, in the light, it's all around us
All you have to do is to open yourself up, all you have to do is listen

Where I've grown up, they tried to stop me from hearing the music
But when I'm alone, it builds up from inside me
And I think if I could learn how to play it
They might hear me, they would know I was theirs and find me

Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you
But, I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales
I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father
Maybe the notes I hear are the same ones they heard the night they met
Maybe that's how they'll find me
I believe that once upon the time long ago
They heard the music and followed it…

baguuuuus banget deh tu kata-katanya :3